How much does OCAI cost?

OCAI online administration: $1,000

Any organization size.
Additional data breakouts: $250 each.

How do I order OCAI to measure the culture of my organization?

Email to order OCAI! We will set up an online survey for your organization, and send you a PDF of results within 5 business days upon completion.


Free OCAI culture survey
Free Organizational Culture Survey

What is the Leadership Competencies Assessment?

COST: $1,000 per administration

The purpose of this assessment is to assess your leadership competencies. What are your leadership strengths, and in what areas will you want to improve? The assessment produces a map of your leadership competencies based on factors that have been found to predict leadership success. The competencies included in this instrument are all associated with high leadership and organizational performance. Your profile helps identify a profile of the kinds of competencies that you will need if you are to accomplish your highest aspirations in the future. The instrument helps you compare your current competencies, in other words, with those required for you to be a spectacular success as a leader.


Self Ratings: $25 per respondent ($250 min)
Self+Peer Ratings: $75 per respondent ($750 min)
Typical Peer Rating sample size: 3-5 peers

Contact us to get started!

The purpose of the 60-question Management Skills Assessment Instrument (MSAI) is to help you identify key areas of your managerial competency. What are your managerial strengths, and in what areas will you want to improve? How do you rate yourself versus how your peers rate you?

The assessment produces a map of your managerial competencies based on factors that have been found to predict managerial success. That is, whereas no person possesses proficiency in all possible competency areas, the competencies included in this instrument are all associated with high managerial and organizational performance. Your profile helps identify your own areas of strength and capability. It also provides a profile of the kinds of competencies that you will need if you are to accomplish your highest aspirations in the future. The instrument helps you compare your current competencies, in other words, with those required for you to be a spectacular success as a manager.

Because it is based on the Competing Values Framework, the Managerial Competencies Assessment helps to create a common language among employees and gives them an easy way to be clear about desired results. This provides a way to discuss the organizational culture, capabilities, performance outcomes, personal orientation issues, and change processes that can all be used to bring about the desired results.

The best way to obtain useful data is to complete this instrument yourself and then have a set of associates—superiors, peers, and subordinates—also complete the instrument rating you as the focal person. This provides “360 degree feedback” and allows you to compare your own perceptions with those of others.

Contact for MSAI licensing and administration information.