What is the culture of your organization today?

Where do you want your culture to be in the future?

Find out both by taking the Organization Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI).

Take a sample OCAI survey via the Sample OCAI link below and receive your culture profile from our team.

Order the OCAI for your organization for $20 per survey participant.

Your participants will take the survey through our system, and we will deliver graphs of the results showing your current and future culture profiles.


This is the official website for the OCAI, which has been used by tens of thousands of companies worldwide to measure their culture. It is a copyrighted instrument developed by Dr. Kim S. Cameron in 1983. It is based upon the Competing Values Framework, developed by Kim Cameron and Robert Quinn at the University of Michigan. Learn more about Dr. Cameron at www.kimscameron.com.

CONTACT US: team@kimscameron.com

9-Step Process

for Designing an Organizational Culture Change Effort

Taken from “Diagnosing and Changing Organizational Culture” Chapter 5.
Contact us for assistance developing your Culture Change Plan.

The purpose of these nine steps—based upon the Competing Values Framework—is to foster involvement and minimize resistance to the culture change by those affected, clarify for all concerned what the new culture emphases will be, identify what is to remain unaltered in the organization in the midst of change, generate specific action steps that can be initiated to create momentum toward culture change, identify measures and metrics to ensure accountability, and develop the leadership competencies to ensure organizational effectiveness after the change.

  1. Reach consensus regarding the current organizational culture using OCAI.

  2. Reach consensus on the preferred future organizational culture using OCAI.

  3. Determine what the changes will and will not mean.

  4. Identify stories illustrating the desired future culture.

  5. Identify a strategic action agenda.

  6. Identify immediate small wins.

  7. Identify leadership implications.

  8. Identify metrics, measures, and milestones to maintain accountability.

  9. Identify a communication strategy.

Testimonial from OCAI culture change engagement with Kim S Cameron and Team:

“In my whole career, I have never had a developmental experience that powerful. Several of us were recently on the corporate plane returning from Washington. You could tell that we weren’t the same. The difference in our relationships is palpable.”